Okay so I'm finally caught up!!! Oh and I forgot to mention that we are moving into a house next week. oops.LOL but we are still living here in Vernal YAY. So Mckinley is now 6 weeks well will be on Tuesday but anyways things are starting to calm down and I'm less stress. Gosh it really is hard going from having one child to two but I love it. Mckinley is a very cuddly baby where as Takoma wasn't so much and Takoma was sleeping through the whole night by three weeks and Mckinley is still waking up once every night.Bummer. Hopefully that will change in the next couple of weeks. So I know I'm way late about this but our Christmas was good except that we had to take Takoma to the hospital since basin clinic was closed. She was going nuts Christmas afternoon like banging her head against the walls and hitting her hands on her head so Cameron took her in and i guess she was in the process of having an ear infection. Yuck. and then two days later Cameron had to take me to that building next to basin clinic(can't remember the name) and I had mastitis. But other than that we had a great holiday. Takoma will be 18 months on the 29th! I can't believe it she is growing up to fast for me but she is such a great big sister. She loves giving Mckinley the bink when she's crying and has to be the first one there if she starts crying. She is going to be so protective over Mckinley it makes me excited to see what the future holds for the both of them.
This was taken today. Kinley just chilling out.
My handsome sweetheart
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